of the Conference of Rectors of Academic
Schools in Poland (CRASP)
!ATTENTION: New Statutes were adopted on 13 October 2011 and their version will be soon available!
adopted by the Plenary Assembly of CRASP
on 24 September 2005 and amended on 14 November 2005 and 13 October 2006
The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland – CRASP was founded on 7 June 1997 by rectors of higher education institutions, being members of conferences of rectors of the various types of these institutions, namely universities, technical universities, university-type higher education institutions of agriculture, university-type higher education institutions of pedagogy, university-type higher education institutions of economics, university-type medical higher education institutions and university-type higher education institutions for art studies. On 20 April 1998, the Plenary Assembly of CRASP resolved to grant the status of CRASP founding members to rectors being the members of the conference of rectors of academies of physical education.
On 30 September 2000, the Plenary Assembly resolved to grant the status of an associate collective member of CRASP to the Conference of Rectors of Vocational Higher Education Institutions, currently functioning under the name of the Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Higher Education Institutions. The Plenary Assembly has done so in conviction of an important role of vocational higher education institutions in the higher education system which – according to the provisions of the Bologna Declaration – by educating students of the first and second cycle, prepare their graduates to perform their professions, as well as to continue their education through the second cycle studies in academic institutions. This indicates the need to establish a partnership between vocational and academic institutions and their organisations.
CRASP safeguards traditional academic values, including professional ethics, responsibility and the constitutional principle of higher education institutions autonomy which guarantees the right of these institutions to present their positions on all issues of interest to the academic community.
Experiences associated with the first years of the CRASP activity and observation of processes that take place in Polish and European higher education indicate that CRASP should function in a broad formula so that to allow for co-operation between rectors and for respecting the identity of the various types of higher education institutions – public and non-public, large and small, academic and vocational, located in large academic centres and in smaller cities, those which offer programmes in many fields of study and those more specialized, those of long academic traditions and those newly established.
Article 1
1. CRASP shall function as the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, pursuant to Article 54 paragraph 1 of the Law on Higher Education of 27 July 2005.
2. CRASP shall pursue its aims and tasks pursuant to Article 55 of the said Law, supporting the activity of the Polish Parliament and the Polish Government in the fields of education, science and culture, co-operating with ministers in charge of higher education and science, with other ministers who supervise higher education institutions, and with the General Council of Higher Education, the State Accreditation Committee and the Students Parliament of the Republic of Poland.
Article 2
1. CRASP shall be a voluntary association of rectors representing those Polish institutions of higher education which have the right to award the PhD degree (or equivalent) in at least one discipline of science or arts.
2. Rectors of higher education institutions mentioned in paragraph 1 above, hereinafter referred to as member institutions, shall have the right to act within conferences of rectors of the various types of higher education institutions, namely:
a) universities,
b) technical universities,
c) university-type higher education institutions of agriculture,
d) university-type higher education institutions of pedagogy,
e) university-type higher education institutions of economics,
f) university-type medical higher education institutions,
g) university-type higher education institutions for art studies,
h) university-type higher education institutions of physical education,
i) university-type military higher education institutions,
j) university-type non-public higher education institutions
k) higher education institutions of pedagogy.
Rectors of public vocational higher education institutions shall act within the Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Higher Education Institutions, which bears the status of a collective associate member of CRASP.
3. The status of a member institution may be granted on each higher education institution on an individual basis or collectively on all institutions being members of a conference of rectors of a particular type of higher education institutions, subject to provisions of paragraph 1 above.
4. The status of a member institution shall be granted collectively on all higher education institutions, being members of a conference of rectors of higher education institutions not mentioned in paragraph 2 above, by the Plenary Assembly of CRASP, on a proposal from the Presidium of CRASP.
5. The status of a member institution shall be granted individually on a higher education institution, being or not being a member of a conference of rectors of higher education institutions mentioned in paragraph 2 above, by the Presidium of CRASP, on a proposal from the relevant conference of rectors or from the institution concerned.
6. The status of an associate member institution may be granted on a higher education institution which has the right to award the Master’s degree. The status of an associate member may also be granted collectively on all members of a conference of rectors of higher education institutions not mentioned in paragraph 2 above. The status of an associate member institution shall be granted subject to provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 above.
Article 3
1. The aims of CRASP shall be:
a) to inspire and coordinate co-operation between member institutions in fulfilling their missions;
b) to act in support of the establishment of an effective integrated system of national education and the development of the system of higher education, science and culture;
c) to represent the mission of higher education and science, as well as the common interests of higher education institutions.
2. In pursuit of these aims, CRASP shall:
a) act to enhance social support for the development of higher education and science in Poland;
b) approach the Government and the Parliament on key issues relating to higher education and the academic community;
c) protect the principles of ethics, academic values, academic teacher ethos, and appropriate level of education;
d) present opinions and proposals on matters important for the development of Polish higher education, science and culture;
e) co-operate with associations and corporations representing the Polish academic, scientific and business communities;
f) co-operate with public authorities, institutions and organisations acting for the benefit of higher education, science and culture;
g) participates in the activities of international organisations and associations that group higher education institutions and scientific institutions;
h) act to enhance the quality of education;
i) act to support the subjectivity of students as well as flexibility and diversification of available forms of studies which result from the wealth of traditions of higher education institutions;
j) act to support a balanced development of the system of higher education, comprising all types of higher education institutions;
k) provide member institutions with information, training and guidance in the area of institution management.
3. CRASP shall present opinions and proposals to public authorities, pursuant to Article 55 of the Law on Higher Education.
Article 4
1. The bodies of CRASP shall be:
a) the Plenary Assembly, acting as a general meeting of CRASP members, pursuant to Article 11 paragraph 1 of the Law on Associations of 7 April 1989, in conjunction with Article 54 paragraph 3 of the Law on Higher Education of 27 July 2005;
b) the Presidium, acting as a management board, pursuant to to Article 11 paragraph 3 of the Law on Associations,
in conjunction with Article 54 paragraph 3 of the Law on Higher Education;
c) the President;
d) the Auditing Committee, acting as a body of internal audit, pursuant to Article 11 paragraph 3 of the Law on Associations, in conjunction with Article 54 paragraph 3 of the Law on Higher Education.
2. The term of office of the bodies of CRASP shall coincide with the term of office of rectors, as defined in the Law on Higher Education.
Article 5
1. The Plenary Assembly shall be composed of representatives of member institutions – as individual members – and members of the Presidium being former rectors of member institutions, as well as – in an advisory capacity – representatives of associate member institutions and of public vocational higher education institutions grouped in the Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Higher Education Institutions. The Plenary Assembly shall:
a) grant the member status on a collective basis;
b) adopt guidelines for the other bodies or committees of CRASP;
c) elect the President and Vice-Presidents, members of the Auditing Committee; the Plenary Assembly may also elect the Honorary President of CRASP;
d) review and approve reports on CRASP activity presented by the President;
e) approve financial reports, in compliance with regulations on accounting;
f) adopt resolutions on its own initiative, on a proposal from the Presidium, the President, or a chairperson of any conference of rectors mentioned in Article 2 paragraph
2. Meetings of the Plenary Assembly shall be convened by the President or by a Vice-President suitably authorised by the Presidium as the need arises, but at least once a year:
a) on his/her own initiative;
b) in response to a request from the Presidium;
c) in response to a request from the Auditing Committee;
d) in response to a request from at least three conferences of rectors mentioned in Article 2 paragraph 2.
3. The Presidium shall act on behalf of the Plenary Assembly in between the Plenary Assembly meetings.
Article 6
1. The President and two Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Plenary Assembly in a confidential ballot by an absolute majority of valid votes, with more than half of those entitled to vote present.
2. The President and Vice-Presidents for a new term of office shall be elected, pursuant to paragraph 1 above, during the final four months of the current term of office; this election shall be done by rectors elected for the new term of office.
3. The election meeting shall be convened by the incumbent President or by a Vice-President suitably authorised by the Presidium.
Article 7
The President shall manage the activities of CRASP, chair the proceedings of the Presidium, and represent CRASP.
Article 8
On the request of the President-elect and acting in accordance with the proceedings provided for in Article 6 paragraph 1, the Plenary Assembly – together with the rectors elected for the new term of office – may grant on the incumbent President the status of the Honorary President of CRASP for the consecutive term of office.
Article 9
1. The Presidium shall comprise the following ex officio members:
a) the President;
b) the Honorary President;
c) the two Vice-Presidents;
d) presidents of the conferences of rectors mentioned in Article 2 paragraph 2, elected by their respective conferences.
2. The Presidium may also resolve to include as its members chairpersons of the standing committees and the Accreditation Committee – Bologna Group, provided that he/she is currently holding the post of the rector of a member institution, as well as the President of Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Higher Education Institutions, as an associate member in an advisory capacity.
3. The following persons shall take part in the proceedings of the Presidium in an advisory capacity:
a) the Secretary General of CRASP;
b) the chairperson of the Auditing Committee or the vice-chairperson of the Committee, or another member of the Committee suitably authorised by its chairperson;
c) other persons invited by the Presidium or the President.
4. Rectors currently in office must account for over half of the composition of the Presidium.
5. The Presidium shall adopt resolutions on behalf of CRASP in periods between the Plenary Assembly meetings, and shall moreover:
a) represent CRASP;
b) appoint standing and ad hoc committees of CRASP;
c) award the status of a member institution on an individual basis;
d) make all decisions not reserved for other CRASP bodies.
6. Meetings of the Presidium shall be convened at least once every three months by the President of or a Vice-President suitably authorised by the President:
a) on his/her own initiative;
b) in response to a request from the Auditing Committee;
c) in response to a request from at least three Presidium members.
Article 9a
1. The Auditing Committee shall:
a) audit the overall activity of CRASP at least once a year;
b) direct proposals and post-audit recommendations to the Presidium;
c) review activity reports and financial reports, as well as present reports on these reviews during a meeting of the CRASP Plenary Assembly, along with proposals to approve the activity of the Presidium;
d) request to convene a meeting of the CRASP Presidium or the Plenary Assembly.
2. The Auditing Committee shall be composed of 5 to 9 persons elected by the Plenary Assembly in a confidential ballot by an absolute majority of valid votes with more than half of those entitled to vote present.
3. The Auditing Committee shall be composed of rectors of the member institutions. The Auditing Committee may also comprise former rectors, provided that rectors holding their post in the current term of office account for over half of the composition of the Committee.
4. The Auditing Committee for the new term of office shall be elected during the last four months of the current term of office, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 above; this election shall be done by rectors elected for the new term of office.
5. The Auditing Committee appoints its chairperson and vice-chairperson from among its members.
6. Members of the Auditing Committee may not be members of the CRASP Presidium or hold the function of the Secretary General of CRASP.
7. The Auditing Committee acts in accordance with a by-law, adopted by the Committee.
Article 10
1. Standing committees of CRASP shall be set up for the duration of the CRASP bodies term of office with the purpose of pursuing essential aims of CRASP. Ad hoc committees may be set up to handle specific issues and these shall be of a temporary character.
2. The Presidium shall set up and dissolve the committees and their chairpersons, shall define the committees’ composition and their tasks.
3. The committees shall be composed of rectors of member institutions. The committees may also comprise former rectors, provided that rectors holding their post in the current term of office account for more than half of the committee composition.
4. A committee may be chaired by any of its members, including a former rector.
5. For committee decisions to be valid, it is required that rectors currently in office account for more than half of those present at the committee meeting.
6. Committee decisions shall be of internal character and shall be presented to the CRASP bodies alone.
Article 11
1. There shall be the CRASP Accreditation Committee – Bologna Group of CRASP.
2. The Accreditation Committee acts as a forum of co-operation for the accreditation committees established by the conferences of rectors of the various types of academic schools. The Accreditation Committee shall be composed of:
a) chairpersons of the accreditation committees, established by the conferences of rectors of the various types of academic schools;
b) persons appointed by the Presidium of CRASP.
A representative of the Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Higher Education Institutions shall take part in the proceedings of the Committee in an advisory capacity.
3. The Bologna Group, the aim of which is to review periodically the progress of the Bologna Process in Poland against the changes that are taking place in other countries and to propose initiatives and recommendations concerning the necessary activities, shall be composed of persons appointed by the Presidium of CRASP.
4. A chairperson, appointed by the Presidium of CRASP for the duration of the CRASP bodies term of office, shall manage the activities of the CRASP Accreditation Committee – Bologna Group.
Article 12
1. The Secretary General shall be responsible for providing the organisational and administrative basis for the functioning of CRASP and bodies thereof.
2. The Secretary General shall be appointed for the term of office of CRASP bodies and dismissed by the Presidium on a proposal from the President.
3. Support services for CRASP shall be provided by the CRASP Office managed by the Secretary General.
4. Detailed rules for the organisation and financing of the Office shall be laid down by the Presidium.
Article 13
1. State authorities and domestic and foreign institutions shall be contacted on behalf of CRASP by:
a) the President and Vice-Presidents;
b) the Presidium.
2. The Vice-Presidents shall act on request from and within limits specified by the President.
3. The President may also authorise the Honorary President of CRASP or the Secretary General to represent CRASP within specified limits.
4. In special cases, the President may instruct an authorised member of the Presidium to represent CRASP.
Article 14
1. The CRASP bodies and committees shall strive to achieve consensus in adopting their resolutions and reaching decisions.
2. Should such consensus prove impossible, resolutions shall be adopted, except for cases specified in Article 6 paragraph 1 and Article 18, by a two-thirds majority of valid votes, with at least half of those entitled to vote present.
3. The right to vote in elections and in CRASP bodies shall be restricted to rectors of member institutions entitled to award the PhD degree (or equivalent). Members of the Presidium who are not holding the post of rector in the current term of office shall also be entitled to vote in CRASP bodies.
4. The right to candidate for the President, a Vice-President, and a member of the Presidium, subject to the provisions of Article 9 paragraph 1a), 1c), 1d), shall be available to rectors of member institutions with the right to award PhD degree (or equivalent) in at least two disciplines of science or arts, and the DSc degree (doktor habilitowany) in at least one discipline of science or arts.
5. The president of a conference of rectors of a particular type of higher education institutions may only be replaced at meetings and proceedings of the Presidium by a vice-president of the conference in question, provided that the latter satisfies the requirements set forth in paragraph 4 above. The vice-president shall retain the president’s voting rights.
6. The rector of a member institution may be replaced at the Plenary Assembly meeting by a vice-rector, authorised in writing by the rector. The vice-rector shall retain the rector’s voting rights.
Article 15
The activity of CRASP cannot infringe the autonomy of its member institutions or the independence and self-governance of the conferences of rectors of the various types of higher education institutions.
Article 16
1. The costs of CRASP activities are covered with annual fees contributed by its member institutions, associate member institutions and member institutions of its associate conferences.
2. The fees and the budget plan shall be determined by the Presidium.
3. Financial decisions and decisions related to incurring financial and property commitments on behalf of CRASP may only be made either by the President or by a Vice-President and the Secretary General, acting collectively.
4. In special cases, the President of CRASP may authorise another person to incur financial obligations within determined limits, as well as to sign financial documents.
5. The President of CRASP shall determine principles of accounting, in compliance with the Law on Accounting.
Article 17
1. CRASP membership shall be revoked upon receipt of a membership cancellation declaration from the rector of a member institution.
2. A procedure analogous to membership granting shall be used when revoking membership for reasons other than that specified in paragraph 1 above. The decision by the competent CRASP body to revoke membership shall be motivated by:
a) dissolution of a higher education institution;
b) loss of the rights specified in Article 2;
c) failure to pay membership fees despite a reminder to do so.
Article 18
The CRASP association may be dissolved by a Plenary Assembly resolution, adopted by a two-thirds majority of valid votes with at least three-fours of CRASP members present. CRASP members must be notified in writing about the meeting of the Plenary Assembly convened to make this decision, at least two weeks prior to its date.
Article 19
1. The Plenary Assembly of CRASP is entitled to adopt and change the Statute, as well as provide its interpretation, by a two-thirds majority of valid votes, with at least half of those entitled to vote present.
2. The Statute comes into force on the date of confirmation of CRASP status by the Minister in charge of higher education, acting pursuant to Article 54 of the Law on Higher Education.