In the days 22-25 October 2008 two Polish universities: Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities and University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn were hosting a visit of researchers from European University Association (EUA). Ruth Keeling-Sobotka (University of Cambridge; League of European Research Universities) and Dionyssis Kladis (University of Peloponnese) were exploring the state of second cycle of studies – Master’s programmes.
The purpose of the research was to assess the extent to which Bologna process has had its impact on the provision at Master’s level and whether the function and significance of the Master’s programmes has changed over the years.
Results of the research were a key text for the EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions in Prague, March 2009. The outcomes informed EUA’s policy work also, particulary in relation to higher education reforms beyond 2010 and were used as background for the 2010 Trends VI report.
Presentation of CRASP member institution educational offer in the English language, Annual Expo of European Association for International Education, Antwerp, 12-16 September 2008
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in the meeting on Swiss-Polish Programme for Science Cooperation, 18 September 2008
Participation of CRASP Honorary President as a panelist in First ASEM Rectors’ Conference, organized by EUA and HRK, Berlin, 27-29 October 2008
Promotion of CRASP member institutions during India – EU Higher Education Symposium and Fairs, New Delhi, 9-16 November 2008
Promotion of CRASP member institution educational offer in foreign languages at Study in Europe in Moscow, 12-16 November, 2008
Participation of CRASP President and CRASP Honorary President in the seminar on shaping knowledge and innovation communities of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Bratislava, 24 November 2008
Participation of CRASP Secretary General and CRASP Office in the ACA Annual Conference 2009, Warsaw, 14-15 May 2009
Participation of a group of rectors and CRASP Secretary General in the conference UNESCO Forum on Higher Education in the Europe Region: Access, Values, Quality and Competitiveness, Bucharest, 21-24 May 2009
Paricipation of CRASP Office Head in the annual Internatioanl Education NAFSA Conference, Los Angeles, 23-30 May 2009
Ministerial visit with the participation of a delegation of CRASP member institution rectors in Kazakhstan, 28 June-2 July 2009
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in EU-Asia Higher Education Platform Round Table (at the invitation of EUA), Brussels, 2-4 July 2009
Participation of CRASP Office in the EAIE 21st Conference; Connecting Continents, Madrid, 16-19 September 2009
Participation of the President of CRASP IT Infrastucture Committee, rector T. Kryzynski, in the seminar “Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS)”, 13 January 2010
Participation of CRASP President in the Bologna Ministerial Anniversary Conference 2010, Budapest-Vienna, 11-12 March 2010
Participation of a CRASP representative, rector M. Gorynia, in the meeting of the Directors-General for Higher Education and Presidents of Rectors’ Conferences, Zaragoza, 26 April 2010
Interview of CRASP Secretary General for “Deutsche Universitat Zeitung” on the subject of the implementation of the LLL idea at Polish schools published in the 6 June 2010 issue
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the Annual meeting of EUPRIO – the Association of “European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers”, Stresa, (Italy), 1-4 September 2010
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in the OECD/IMHE conference “Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly: Doing More with Less, Paris, 13-15 September 2010
Participation of CRASP Office Head in the annual international EAIE conference, 15-18 September 2010
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the ACA seminar “Mobility under the magnifying glass: New insights, old challenges, future perspectives”, Brussels, 3 December 2010
Visit of SRK Secretary General, Denisa Voskarova to the CRASP Office, 1-3 December 2010
Participation of CRASP International Affairs Committee President, rector K. Musiol in the “Global University Summit”, Dijon, 5-7 May 2011
Visit of CRASP President in Kazakhstan at the invitation of the Embassy of the Polish Republic in Astana, 8-14 May 2011
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the annual conference of Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) – “The excellence imperative. World-class aspiration and real-world needs”, Vienna, 22-25 May 2011
Participation of CRASP Office Head in the annual conference and educational fairs of NAFSA (Association of International Educators), Vancouver, 29 May-3 June 2011
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in U-Multirank final seminar, Brussels, 9 June 2011
Participation of CRASP Office representatives in the conference “International Bologna Conference – The Social Diemension – Stocktaking and Future Perspectives of Student Affairs and Services”, Berlin, 11-13 July 2011
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in the 33th EAIR (European Higher Education Society), Warsaw, 29-31 August 2011
Participation of CRASP Office Head in the annual conference of the EAIE (European Association for International Education), Copenhagen, 13-16 September 2011
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in the Quality Assurance International Conference organized by the European Commission, Brussels, 14-15 December 2011
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) seminar “What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments in European policies and programmes”, Brussels, 20 January 2012
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) seminar “Internationalisation audits. Assessing and improving institutional strategies”, Brussels, 23 March 2012
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in educational fairs “Education Abroad”, Kiev, 29-31 March 2012
Participation of CRASP Secretary General in the meeting of Directors General for Higher Education organized within the Danish presidency of EU, Copenhagen, 2-3 April 2012
Participation of CRASP Office Head in the annual conference APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), Bangkok, 2-4 April 2012
Participation of CRASP President in the Bologna Ministerial Anniversary Conference 2012, Bukarest, 26-27 April 2012
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) seminar “The IMPI initiative and beyond. Mapping and profiling internationalisation”, Brussels, 10 May 2012
Participation of CRASP Office Head in the annual conference and educational fairs NAFSA (Association of International Educators), Houston, 27 May – 1 June 2012
Participation of a CRASP Office representative in the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) annual conference – Tying it all together. Internationalisation, excellence, funding and the social dimension in higher education, Helsinki, 10-12 June 2012