President of CRASP
Rector, University of Silesia in Katowice |
Rector Wieslaw Banys’s website
Vice-Presidents of CRASP:
Prof. Stanislaw Bielecki
Rector, Technical University of Lodz
Prof. Ryszard Zimak
Rector, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
Honorary President of CRASP:
Prof. Katarzyna Chalasinska-Macukow
University of Warsaw (Rector 2005-2012)
Members of CRASP Presidium:
- Prof. Witold T. Bielecki
Rector, Kozminski University
President, Conference of Rectors of Non-Public Academic HEIs
- Prof. Boguslaw Fiedor
Wrocław University of Economics (Rector 2005-2012)
Chair, Economic Committee
- Prof. Jozef Garbarczyk (associate member)
Rector, State Higher Vocational School in Gniezno
President, Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Schools
- Prof. Marian Gorynia
Rector, Poznan University of Economics
President, Conference of Rectors of HEIs of Ecomomics
- Prof. Henryk Krawczyk
Rector, Gdansk University of Technology
Chair, IT Infrastructure Committee
- Prof. Jan Laszczyk
Rector, Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw
President, Conference of Rectors of HEIs of Pedagogy
- Prof. Bronislaw Marciniak
Rector, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
President, Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities
- Prof. Tomasz Miczka
Rector, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
President, Conference of Rectors of HEIs of Fine Arts
- Brig. Gen. Prof. Zygmunt Mierczyk
Rector, Military University of Technology in Warsaw
President, Conference of Rectors of Military HEIs
- Prof. Janusz Morys
Rector, Medical University of Gdansk
President, Conference of Rectors of Medical HEIs
- Prof. Wojciech Nowak
Rector, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Chair, Science Committee
- Prof. Wlodzimierz Nykiel
Rector, University of Lodz
Chair, International Cooperation Committee
- Prof. Marcin Palys
Rector, University of Warsaw
Chair, Organisation and Legislation Committee
- Prof. Tadeusz Slomka
Rector, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Chair, Innovation and Cooperation with Business Committee
- Prof. Jerzy Smorawinski
Rector, University School of Physical Education in Poznan
President, Conference of Rectors of HEIs of Physical Education
- Prof. Jan Szmidt
Rector, Warsaw University of Technology
Chair, Education Committee
- Prof. Alojzy Szymanski
Rector, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
President, Conference of Rectors of HEIs of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Prof. Tadeusz Wieckowski
Rector, Wroclaw University of Technology
President, Conference of Rectors of Universities of Technology
The following persons take part in the proceedings of the Presidium in an advisory capacity:
- Prof. Marek Bojarski
Rector, University of Wroclaw
Chair, Auditing Committee
- Prof. Andrzej Krasniewski
Warsaw University of Technology
Secretary General
- Prof. Zbigniew Marciniak
University of Warsaw
Chair, Bologna Group
Authorities for the term of 2008-2012